Combat starts when one player moves into (or shoots at) a hex with an enemy presence (occupied by enemy unit, building or settlement). Following the battle initiative rules, first one unit hits, then the other retaliates.

In a battle, the attacker always has the initiative (rolls dice first), unless he is being countered by the defender.

Once the attacker rolled dice to resolve his attack, defender rolls his dice.

Siege weapons retaliate ONLY against other siege weapons and against Guard Towers or Fortresses.

ONLY ranged infantry and ranged heroes retaliate against other ranged attacks if in range.

Explore our combat dice and cards section for detailed information.

Relevant links:

Fog of war concept: line of sight (LOS)

***A hex is in the LOS if you can draw a straight line from the center of your unit’s hex to the center of the hex your unit is looking to without crossing higher terrain.***

All units and buildings have a LOS of 2 hexes (identify units or buildings 2 hexes away).

When you identify an enemy unit he turns it face up for all players to see. Once he is out of your LOS he flips the unit back towards him so only he can see it.

If the ranged attacker is not revealed by the defender’s units or is not in LOS, the defender will not retaliate (the attacker must still show the unit he uses to attack).

Enemy unit in a forest can be identified only by moving your unit to the adjacent hex (with the exception of Tribal Scout).

A unit cannot see over higher terrain (Except Scouts, they can see through or in the forest).

Terrain height from lowest to highest: grassland, forest, hill, mountain. You cannot see across hills even if you are standing on a hill.

See the below table for terrain height.






Example for LOS:

As a red player, even though the enemy target is in your LOS, YOU CANNOT SHOOT AT THAT ENEMY UNIT if it’s not identified by a friendly (your or your ally’s) unit.

In this example the red player can shoot at the blue horseman since he is revealed by the red Tribal Scout or Pikeman.

Also, your Archer cannot shoot at the blue Archer in the forest because the hill between them breaks your Archer’s line of sight (LOS).

Combat strength

Biggest difference between the recruit and veteran rules is that in veteran ruleset all units have combat strength.

Combat strength is shown as the number of dice rolled.

Terrain, abilities, shooting distance and combat cards all affect combat strength.

Combat strength for attack and defence of each unit type is shown on the quick reference sheet.

Bear in mind all dice have 2 , 2 , 1 , and 1 . So even though sometimes ranged units get to roll more dice, they still have lower chance to hit than melee units.

Ranged units combat strength is affected by the distance as well as terrain elevation.

Terrain plays a big part in determining combat strength (see the table).

Morale & Flanking

Battlefield is the hex in which the combat takes place (in melee combat it is always the defender’s hex).

For each adjacent ally unit, you gain +1

For each adjacent ally unit, you lose -1

Players get +1 for each +2 in combat and -1 for each -2 .

Ranged units do not benefit from support bonuses when attacking or defending.
They do GIVE adjacency morale bonus to friendly units.

Siege weapons DO NOT give or receive morale bonuses

Example for Unit Morale

If the blue player here decided to attack the red Horseman with Pikeman,

Pikeman will have -2 (from Horseman and Archer) but +1 from his Scout. His dice roll is not affected by the morale as he is at -1 only

Blue archer gives no defence bonus to the blue Pikeman because he is not in adjacent hex.

In this case, no unit will get the SURROUNDED status and lose combat strength.

The red horseman would have been surrounded, if not for his two allied units.

Relevant links:

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