Our Mission
3C Boardgames is a group of people working on many different projects, united by the same passion for games.We strive to, above all, give maximum value to our community and create unique games that we would love to play ourselves. From competitive wargames and very tactical card games to cooperative survival and educational games, join our community not only through playing our games but also by sharing your experiences and making something better with us.
Our Team
Some of us love board games, some video or card games and some all of the above mentioned!We are primarily a group of friends who decided to channel their creativity into games and music. Group of friends surrounded by an even larger circle of friends and amazing board game community playtesting our games and sharing their creative spark with us.
Sasa Bulic
Software Engineer, Entrepreneur, Trader
Company owner and CEO, lead developer and game designer. He could achieve anything he sets out to do.
Former founder and CEO of The Gaming Resorts. When he isn't busy working, he is taking care of his family or learning new things.
Fun Fact:
Finished youtube and is waiting for youtube 2 to come out :)
Failure is not destination, failure is just a gas station

Jasen Lakic
Web Developer, Entrepreneur, Game Designer
Company founder, now lead game designer and web designer but wears many hats since the start. If he had to do anything else, it would have been woodworking.
Passionate about human freedom, designing systems and creating interesting things.
Fun Fact:
Was the best duel player in Civ 5 and 6 for few years and still plays HOMM3 from time to time.
Don't look at what is, rather see what it can become.

Stanislav Sherbakov
Main illustrator, artist
First artist we worked with. Great talent and a hard worker, proud to have him on the team.
Passionate about .
Fun Fact:
hmmm waiting

Alexandru Simescu
Talented musician, a creative soul
A jack of all trades. In charge of everything audio/video but also participated in story writing and translation to French. Part of the event exhibitor team.
Passionate about music, games, literature.
Fun Fact:
A total nerd for retro styles and tech!
hmmm waiting